Product Manager Challenge
Due 2/16/25 at 11:59 pm
Part 1: Improving the Boulder Blueprint Website
As a prospective product manager, your task is to analyze the University of Colorado Boulder Blueprint Website, identify pain points, and propose solutions to enhance the user experience. You will demonstrate your ability to empathize with users, think critically, and communicate actionable solutions.
Step 1: Identify Pain Points
Explore the University of Colorado Boulder Blueprint website and identify 3-5 pain points that users (e.g., members, prospective members, or external stakeholders) might experience. Use the following definition to guide your analysis:
Pain Point: A persistent or recurring problem that frequently inconveniences or annoys users.
Examples of pain points to consider:
Lack of clarity about the organization's mission, projects, or impact.
Difficulty finding information about upcoming events or meetings.
Poor navigation or confusing website layout.
Outdated or inconsistent content.
Lack of engagement opportunities for members or visitors.
Step 2: Write User Stories
For each pain point, write a user story to articulate the problem from the perspective of the user. Use the following format:
As a [type of user], I want [specific goal], so that [reason or benefit].
Pain Point: Blueprint general members are not aware of what the organization does.
User Story: As a member of Blueprint, I want to be aware of the organization's current events and projects, so I can better understand the impact and activities the organization is involved in.
Step 3: Propose Solutions
For each user story, propose a solution that addresses the pain point. Your solution should be specific, actionable, and feasible. Consider the following when crafting your solutions:
How does the solution directly address the pain point?
What resources or tools would be needed to implement the solution?
How will the solution improve the user experience?
Solution: Blueprint Newsletter: A weekly newsletter that details the events and progress of ongoing projects within Blueprint.
Your proposed solution could also be a redesinged portion of the website's user interface/user experience.
Part 2:
Share an example of a time you led a team. What specific actions did you take as a leader, and what outcomes or results did you achieve?
To answer the questions, create your own copy of this document. Email a pdf of your answers to and cc by 2/16/25 at 11:59 pm. Email (or message in Discord) for any questions regarding this challenge.
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