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5 total results found
April 2nd Meeting Minutes
Start 5:30 PM End 6:10 PM Eric has created the attendance object and the records repository as well as the handlers Nicole is making progress on surveys Terrance has finished everything. Changed address Terrance is working on getting user_mangement i...
April 4 Meeting Minutes
Start 7:00 PM Attendance: Kyle Kouch, Miguel Merlin, Cameron Marotti, Christopher Engelbart, Eric Zhang, Ezri Zhu, M. Bertan Tarakcioglu, Nicole, Maya Patel, Terrence Zhang. Ezri: k8s meeting with miguel, bertan, thomas went well. They will work on the...
April 9th Meeting Minutes
Start 5:34 PM Attendance: Kyle, Miguel, Audrey, Eric, Lucas, M. Bertan, Nicole, Sneha, Terrance, Ezri, Jason Christopher: Working on creating a SQL script for creating and populating tables. Audrey Started wireframing for blueprint admin on ...
April 11 Meeting Minutes
Start 7:04 PM Attendance: Kyle Kouch, Miguel Merlin, Audrey Yoo, Christopher Engelbart, Eric Zhang, Ezri Zhu, Bertan Tarakcioglu, Maya Patel , Miguel Merlin, Terrence Zhang Christopher Working on the SQL script Audrey Finished the first iterati...
April 18th Meeting Minutes
Start 7:06 PM Attendance: Kyle, Eric, Christopher, Bertan Audrey Working on the wireframe for the homepage Chrisopher The SQL script has been merged into the backend. End 7:08 PM