Budgeting For AWS
Every semester at the Big Budget Meeting, AWS resources should be allocated. I would budget on the higher side, and AFR if you need more in the future. For our first semester, we budgeted for ~400 dollars. Any funds that are budgeted in the Spring can be used in the Summer.
Attached to the AWS account is a P-Card. Every month payments will be billed to that card and we must submit a payment request through Ducklink with the amount spent that month. It is important that you monitor usage throughout the month to ensure that you do not exceed the budget. Make sure not to use the entire budget in one month.
If possible, it is preferred by the SGA and Stevens Payments to use invoices instead of the P-Card.
TODO: Link to P-Card purchase page
For further questions on budgeting reach out to Marissa Carroll - Student Life Administrative Assistant (mcarroll1@stevens.edu).