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Imagine your laptop or desktop computer - it has a processor, memory (RAM), storage, and an operating system. An EC2 instance is very similar, but it exists in AWS's data centers instead of physically sitting on your desk. Here's how it relates to what studentsyou already know:

  1. Virtual Machines vs EC2:
  • If you've ever used VirtualBox or VMware on your computer to run a different operating system (like running Windows on a Mac), you're already familiar with virtual machines
  • An EC2 instance is basically the same thing, but instead of running on your computer, it runs on Amazon's powerful servers
  • Just like a VM on your computer, you can choose what operating system to run (Windows, Linux, etc.)
  • You can connect to it remotely, just as if it were a computer sitting in front of you

The key differences from a regular VM on your computer:

  • EC2 instances can be much more powerful than your personal computer
  • You can access them from anywhere with an internet connection
  • You only pay for what you use (if you turn it off, you don't pay)
  • You can easily make it more powerful (add more CPU/RAM) without buying new hardware