Blueprint Admin Design Spec
Blueprint Admin Design Spec
Problem Overview
We develop software for non-profits at no cost. To promote talent at Blueprint we run the Tech Team that serves as low commitment team where Stevens students can come and learn software engineering skills. Currently, Blueprint has around 40 active members that work on the projects with the NPOs and in the Tech Team. Software development and the usage of computing and building tools. Managing the access of said resources for every member has become unsustainable for the Blueprint e-board and Tech Lead for the project Teams. Having a centralized solution to administer Blueprint resources and manage member is necessary for the future success of the organization.
Solution Overview
To mitigate the need for a management solution, the Tech Team has started building a user/resource management solution. Most of the backend service that will power the admin has already concluded, however designs for the front-end have to be formalized.
Feature Description
The admin dashboard should provide the following features:
- Be able to log-in as an e-board, Teach Lead. Note: A single member might belong to multiple roles, so when the member logs in they should have the feature available for each of the roles they belong to.
- Once logged in, the member should have a sidebar where they can edit their information, such as name and password. A member should also have profile photo (Mostly all member will have a default profile photo, it could be the blueprint logo, or a stock user photo)
E-board functionality
Blueprint E-board members should be able to do the following:
- Send an invitation email to an interested member given the email and name of the member who wants to join
- View a table of all the members
- The displayed information of the members is the following:
- Roles (List of Strings)
- Team they belong to (List of String)
- Date joined (LocalDate)
- Active (Boolean)
- The table can be filtered by the afore mentioned columns
- The e-board member can edit each of the field of a member
- The displayed information of the members is the following:
Team Lead functionality
Blueprint Team Leads should be able to do the following:
- View a list of all the member associated to their team
- Edit the active status of a member team
- Take attendance of each of the meeting
- The Team Lead should be able to create an attendance record with some basic information such as Date and Location
- The Team Lead can only take attendance on the active members of the team
- View statistic on the attendance of the Team such as:
- Drop out rate of the team (How many people have been deactivated since the start of the project?)
- Attendance rate
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