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    Adding Files

    Ideally, you will not have to create many new files from scratch. You would instead just follow these steps:

    1. Adding/DeletingMake Filesa copy of a [TEMPLATE] or [SAMPLE] file
    2. WhenRename the file according to portthe Naming Conventions
    3. Move file to wikiits whenrespective semester or subcategory folder
    Deleting/Archiving Files

    In most cases you should not delete files, unless they were created by accident or have nothing to -do with Blueprint at all. Instead, you should check with the rest of the team to see if its publicimportant, facingand etc.if not, archive it.

    Moving Files to the Wiki

    We are in the process of moving some content to the Wiki to encourage usage. A lof of this is TBD, but some general rules of when to move files to the wiki are: 

    • The file should be available to the general body and not just the Executive Board
    • The file does not require multiple collaborators - multiple people cannot work concurrently on Wiki files
    Other Things
    • Make sure to share the drive with new E-board members
    • MoveIf contentyou are working on a file in your personal drive pertaining to Blueprint, you should move it over to the shared drive whenso possible sothat others can view and provide feedback on your work